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The Ryde House Group Training Programme

We invest in you and your future

We offer a comprehensive training and induction programme for all our team.
Our tailored training packages are delivered through a combination of workshop and e-learning sessions and our team can expect to complete many of the following courses:


Understanding Autism

Understand how to contribute to the person centred support of an autistic individual and to more fully understand the condition and any challenges faced.


First Aid

Our first aid course will teach you the role and limits of a first aider as well as assessing and reporting appropriately in an emergency.



We cover all areas of dementia including general awareness of the signs and symptoms ​of dementia and risk reduction.


Learning Disability Awareness

Our Learning Disability Awareness training course will help you gain the right skills and knowledge when working with people with a learning disability.


Total Communication

Total communication is an approach to communicating that aims to make use of a number of modes of communication such as signed, oral, auditory, written and visual aids, depending on the particular needs and abilities of the person


Epilepsy Awareness

Learn about the causes of epilepsy, how epilepsy is diagnosed, seizure triggers, first aid for different types of seizures, how to manage risks, psychosocial issues, and how to administer emergency medication.


Health & Social Care QCF Levels 2 - 5

The Level 2 in Health and Social Care has been designed to give you the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.

Conference Call with Sign Language


Makaton is the UK's leading programme for adults and children with learning or communication difficulties. It is a language programme that combine signs, symbols and speech to give different options for people to communicate.

Supportive Friend

Mental Capacity & DoLS

When someone lacks mental capacity to consent to care or treatment, it is sometimes necessary to deprive them of their liberty in their best interests, to protect them from harm.

Psychotherapy Session


Positive Range of Options to Avoid Crisis and use Therapy – Strategies for Crisis Intervention (revised for the UK). The programme focused on supporting staff to teach service users to maintain control and to engage in proactive methods of behaviour change.


Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity

Our course enhances awareness and understanding of the value of an inclusive workforce/ meeting the needs of diverse service users and clients.


Enteral Feeding (PEG)

A PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) feeding tube insertion is the placement of a feeding tube through the skin and the stomach wall.

Plus loads more including:


  • Fire Prevention and Awareness

  • Food Hygiene

  • End of Life Care

  • Reporting and Recording

  • Protecting Personal Information

  • Manual Handling

  • Infection Control

  • Falls Prevention

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity

  • Advanced Safeguarding

  • Medication Awareness

  • Health & Safety

  • Basic Life Support

  • Buccal Midazolam Administration


Supporting our community

We extend our training to external organisations to assist further in the community


Doing our bit to help

We want to do our bit for the community, so what better way then to extend our training programme from us, to everyone.
We have supported a number of services and companies including Southern Vectis, Earl Mountbatten Hospice and the Police by offering training on understanding Autism amongst other things. 

We have tailored our coaching and training to best help services and companies on the challenges they face in their day-to-day work that could be made a little easier and better not only for them, but for the individuals we all support.

The training we offer is always designed with the end goal being - how can we best help the service user? This is a goal that is shared by the people and companies we work with - they ask for our support so they can better understand challenging situations and best handle them. 

If you are a company or service looking to expand your knowledge on any of the above and feel that our training and support could be beneficial to your staff and your service users, then please do get in touch and we can discuss it in more detail. 

Don't just take our word for it...

RHG Fun Day 2023 KJ set -74.jpg
"Great training from someone who clearly knows the subject matter extremely well. I feel I have learnt a lot and will be able to put this into practice."

We are always looking to add quality to our teams. If you're caring and passionate about helping, take a look at our vacancies and start your journey with the Ryde House group today.

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